Promotion and advertising

Promotion and advertising

Promotion and advertising allow a company to make itself known, present its product and broadcast its benefits to the target audience. Promotion includes a set of actions and tools that can be used to actively develop business, conquer new markets and remain competitive for a long time. Thanks to new technologies, opportunities for marketers have increased significantly, allowing them to demonstrate the results of their work after a relatively short time.

Which tasks promotion and advertising solves

  • allows you to build an effective marketing strategy and systematically implement it;
  • provides external corporate communication;
  • presents the brand and increases the level of confidence in it;
  • provides a regular inflow of new customers;
  • contributes to the demand for the company’s products.



  • contextual - designed for users of search engines;
  • targeting - used for promotion in social networks;
  • media advertising - the publication of materials in the media, on television;
  • interactive advertising uses innovative approaches to present the company and product;
  • PR articles allow forming the right attitude to the brand of the target audience.

Promotion in social networks

  • SMM helps to attract customers, stimulates consumer demand for a product or service;
  • the development of a media plan makes social networking more structured;
  • allows you to personalize the brand, make it closer to consumers;
  • provides interaction with the target audience to study their needs and problems; 
  • increases the level of trust in the brand and its main people.

Development of marketing campaigns for brand positioning

  • the ability to differentiate the company from its competitors;
  • softens the reaction of the target audience to changes in pricing;
  • increases brand resilience during crises and market downturns;
  • allows to bring the values of the company closer to the values of customers;
  • works as a promotion tool on a long-term basis.

IT products based on artificial intelligence and machine learning

  • automation of customer interaction processes, including multiple email newsletters;
  • use of chatbots to retain potential customers;
  • accelerated processing of requests, fast response time;
  • customer retention through an automated chain of actions;
  • increasing the level of service, minimizing errors.

Creating a comprehensive marketing strategy

  • allows you to study the target audience and its needs;
  • fixes the main goals, eliminating the waste of resources on inappropriate tasks;
  • contributes to an increase in sales and the number of customers;
  • increases the competitiveness of the company due to the timely response to market changes;
  • improves both internal and external processes.

Let’s discuss about how we can help make your business better